Glossy White Worm with Red Splotches is a Mystery

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“What type of larva is this?” is all this reader writes in her submission regarding the creature pictured below. Unfortunately, the picture is very blurry, and from what we can tell, the organism has a very irregular shape. The bulbous, dark-colored sphere in the center of its body looks like it could be a head, though, of course, the placement is entirely wrong. We suppose that the larva might be curled in on itself, but even in that case, it is difficult to pinpoint its identity with no context. This is because a larva with a white body and a reddish-brown head is as common of a description of a larva one could provide: it could belong to any number of insect species.

That said, we do agree with our reader’s assessment of this as a larva. If our reader wants to assess what type of larva it is, we suggest putting it in a container with air holes and a few different types of foods, like: leaves, grains, and some wool or fur/hair. Depending on what it eats, this will tell our reader what it could be. If it eats the leaves, it could be some type of caterpillar, meaning a butterfly or moth larva. If it eats the grains, it could be a pantry moth larva or a flour beetle larva. If it eats the fur or hair, it could be a clothes moth larva. Whichever food it chooses, our reader can then provide more of that food and raise it until it pupates and eventually metamorphoses into its adult form: then she will know exactly what species of insect it is.

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Alternatively, if she wants to get an answer faster, she could take the larva to her local county extension office. There, someone might be able to tell her what type of larva it is, as they will be able to physically examine it. Likewise, if our reader finds more of these around her home, she might want to do a deep clean, so as to eliminate any eggs that might be left around. Of course, this could just as well be a one time thing.

To conclude, we do not know what this organism is. We would need more context to be able to say anything concretely. We hope nonetheless that this article proves helpful to some degree, and we wish our reader the very best!

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Glossy White Worm with Red Splotches is a Mystery
Article Name
Glossy White Worm with Red Splotches is a Mystery
"What type of larva is this?" is all this reader writes in her submission regarding the creature pictured below. Unfortunately, the picture is very blurry, and from what we can tell, the organism has a very irregular shape. The bulbous, dark-colored sphere in the center of its body looks like it could be a head, though, of course, the placement is entirely wrong. We suppose that the larva might be curled in on itself, but even in that case, it is difficult to pinpoint its identity with no context. This is because a larva with a white body and a reddish-brown head is as common of a description of a larva one could provide: it could belong to any number of insect species.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

2 thoughts on “Glossy White Worm with Red Splotches is a Mystery

  1. Hi,

    This is what us referred as morgellons disease. Quack doctors say this is in our imagination. However, if you would like to show your doctor you are not imagining these, take in with you some food grade sanitiser and spray on your feet and or hands and rub into your skin, the black worms and clear larva will pour out. Then tell the doctor, is this imaginary? We need to let people know that food grade sanitiser is the only way to show them these worms that live in our nostrils, skin, hair, lungs are not a joke.
    Try it, then show your GP, too many doctors are following like sheep, and not dealing with this genuine parasite that is almost impossible to get rid of, because no scientists believe it is real
    They locked me up to be evaluated at a mental health facility, diagnosed me as a schizophrenic, then by accident l got some food sanitiser on my feet, then rubbing off, hundred of larva and worms cane out. My doctor is now helping me in my medical case and compensation.

    Hope this helps


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