Getting Rid of Centipedes

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We just got sent a video of a creature with the accompanying note, “How can I clean my house from these?” The video captures a worm-like organism crawling on what we think are linens. The video is quite jumpy and far away from the specimen, so we cannot pin point any prominent features. We can see that it is dark, small, and it appears to have legs and antenna.

Without a better photo or video, we cannot say for sure what this creature is, but we think it is a centipede. Centipedes range in color from white to black to red, and are easily distinguished by their speed and plethora of legs. Centipedes eat other insects, so they often gravitate towards areas that are already home to spiders, bugs, and even other centipedes.

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To get rid of centipedes, we suggest she begin by cleaning her house thoroughly to remove food sources and to eliminate dust. She should also make sure there isn’t any extra moisture in her home. Finally, she should seal all windows and doors to eliminate possible entrance points for these creatures. If our reader is still struggling to get rid of these critters, she can contact a professional for further assistance.

Due to the video quality, we are unable to confirm that this creature is a centipede, but we think it is definitely a possibility. We suggest she compares the organism with photos of centipedes to see if it is a match.

In summary, a reader sent us in a video of a creature crawling around on a bed. We think it is a centipede, but cannot be certain without more evidence.

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Getting Rid of Centipedes
Article Name
Getting Rid of Centipedes
We just got sent a video of a creature with the accompanying note, “How can I clean my house from these?” The video captures a worm-like organism crawling on what we think are linens. The video is quite jumpy and far away from the specimen, so we cannot pin point any prominent features. We can see that it is dark, small, and it appears to have legs and antenna.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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