Earthworms Found in Carpet After Rain Storm

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We just heard from a reader who is experiencing quite the scenario at his new house. He said it has been raining heavily lately, and he has begun noticing earthworms coming out of the carpet. At first he only saw one and took it outside, but more and more have been appearing each day on the carpet. Finally, he informed us that this part of his house is built on slab. He wonders what is going on.

If a house is built on slab, it means that the house is built on a large concrete slab. This is a well-known building technique, but there are advantages and disadvantages. For example, water and moisture can rise through any cracks in the slab after rain. This might be where the worms are coming from. Here are the photos he sent us:

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earthworm in carpet
earthworm in carpet

earthworm in carpet

earthworm in carpet

Earthworms typically live underground in moist soil, but often evacuate the soil after heavy rains. We speculate that the earthworms our reader is discovering are being pushed through a potential crack in the foundation with rainwater after the storms. However, we aren’t sure how these worms are making their way up through the carpet.

We think it would be wise for our reader to contact a technician to have a look at his housing foundation and perhaps repair any damages or cracks. We also invite any readers to comment on this article if they have experienced similar circumstances and can offer helpful advice.

To end, a reader wrote to us in some distress after noticing earthworms coming from his carpet after heavy rain. We recommend he contact a professional to check his foundation for damages.

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Earthworms Found in Carpet After Rain Storm
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Earthworms Found in Carpet After Rain Storm
We just heard from a reader who is experiencing quite the scenario at his new house. He said it has been raining heavily lately, and he has begun noticing earthworms coming out of the carpet. At first he only saw one and took it outside, but more and more have been appearing each day on the carpet. Finally, he informed us that this part of his house is built on slab. He wonders what is going on.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

3 thoughts on “Earthworms Found in Carpet After Rain Storm

  1. I have lived in an apt for 3 years. The first year there wereno issues. The last 2 years I have been finding Earth worms. For a few months, I only saw them in the small bedroom. I thought they got in through the window screen. Then I saw them in my bedroom. Disgusting. Now the last 3 months I am seeing them juat appear out of nowhere on the living room carpet. One has managed to get on the sofa before I saw it. I have a baby so the thought of these things crawling into his mouth or ear frwak me out. A couple have been on the wall as well. But they do infact seem to come out from the carpet. The pest control can’t do anything about it. I am definitely moving in a couple months. But now I will always worry about Earth worms.

  2. Hey almost exactly a year after this was posted and I’m finding the same problem myself! We have a door that was not initially installed correctly and we’ve had issues with rain getting in the house before….our house is not even a year old, so this isn’t something we’ve had time to fix yet. This morning we got some motivation though as I found several red Oklahoma earthworms crawling in and out of the carpet which most definitely came through our door which doesn’t seal to get out of the rain. But now I’m grossed out because I may have a handful of red works burrowing in my carpet and I’m not sure how to get rid of them :/ and more are still coming in! I know they’re harmless and don’t bite but that doesn’t make me want them out of my carpet any less!

  3. I just came across this article as I was searching for the reason I am finding earthworms on the carpet in my bedroom. It has been raining for a week and today I removed four earthworms from my bedroom, which was an addition built on a slab, the rest of the house is built over a crawl space. Somehow the little creepers are making their way above the carpet. I’ve just been taking them out and putting them in the garage.

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