Dark Brown Worm on Cubicle Desk Causes Concern in the Office

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“I am finding these tiny dark brown worms all over my cubicle desk at my work”, writes Una in San Diego about the darkly-colored creature pictured below. “I’ve also found tiny worms in green also. I’m freaking out because I read on your post that they could be flea worms!? I do have dogs but I haven’t seen any worms like this at home. I live in San Diego, California.” The photo alone does not really help us much, unfortunately. Even when zooming in, the worm looks like nothing more than a black blob. Additionally, Una does not send any photos of the green worms she mentions.

What we will say is that flea larvae definitely do not look like this. They have translucent bodies with dark entrails often visible through their skin: they are not the solid black that this creature seems to be. Likewise, even though Una has not seen any worms at home, it does not mean that she could not possibly bring these worms to her home from the office, or vice versa. In any case, we suggest that, if she is concerned about her dog’s health, she should take it to the vet.

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Now, with regard to what she can do at work, we suggest she move the worms outside, and that she vacuum her cubicle space and sanitize the desk. This will help eliminate any eggs that she might miss with the naked eye. Likewise, she might want to warn her coworkers of this discovery, in case this happens to be an infestation that could be spreading across the entire office space. Perhaps they will want to conduct a search for more roaming worms. If there is a spot with a high number of worms, that is likely the source of the potential infestation, and that should immediately be vacuumed up.

In conclusion, we do not know what Una found on her desk. It looks merely like a black worm-shaped blob, and we cannot tell what it is based merely on that. If Una wants a second opinion, she might have better luck getting an identification at her local county extension office: there someone will be able to physically examine it and will get a much better look at it. Even though we were unable to provide an identification, we hope that Una finds something helpful in this article. We wish her the very best!

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Dark Brown Worm on Cubicle Desk Causes Concern in the Office
Article Name
Dark Brown Worm on Cubicle Desk Causes Concern in the Office
"I am finding these tiny dark brown worms all over my cubicle desk at my work", writes Una in San Diego about the darkly-colored creature pictured below. "I’ve also found tiny worms in green also. I’m freaking out because I read on your post that they could be flea worms!? I do have dogs but I haven’t seen any worms like this at home. I live in San Diego, California." The photo alone does not really help us much, unfortunately. Even when zooming in, the worm looks like nothing more than a black blob. Additionally, Una does not send any photos of the green worms she mentions.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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