Creature on Bathroom Ceiling is Larvae

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One of our readers reached out to us because she found “worms” on her bathroom ceiling. She described these critters as red with striations (striations are a series of ridges) and a head that is clearly visible and discernible from the rest of its body. She said that she found one near the AC vent, one on top of the shower, one on the ceiling of the bathroom, and one on the doorframe of the bedroom. She said her pest control guy thinks the specimens might be Indian Meal Moth larvae, but wanted her to use sticky traps to catch one so he can have a better look. She is curious about our opinion about this curious creature. This is the photo she sent us:

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We think these specimens are probably larvae, not worms. They are orange/red and we believe they are also segmented (we think our reader used the word striations to describe segmentation). While we think these larvae might be Indian Meal Moth Larvae, we think the appearance more closely resembles a mealworm.

Mealworms are the larval form of the mealworm beetle. These larvae are usually yellow colored with darker brown rings on the body segments. As they grow their body becomes harder, and they grow to be about an inch long. Mealworms eat damp, decomposing, and molding materials. In the outside environment they eat leaves, dead insects, and animal waste. Inside a home they might eat moist stored grains, or decaying dried foods. They are usually found in the kitchen, but it is possible that the infestation is expanding to include other rooms of our reader’s house. Getting rid of mealworms is relatively simple and straightforward. Our reader will need to locate and remove the source of the mealworm infestation, and clean the area around it. Even if these are Indian Meal Moth larvae, like the pest control guy thought, the treatment is the same:  find the source of the infestation and dispose of it, and thoroughly clean the area around it.

In summary, our reader found some larvae on her bathroom ceiling. We think these creatures might be mealworms!

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Creature on Bathroom Ceiling is Larvae
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Creature on Bathroom Ceiling is Larvae
Our reader found some larvae on her bathroom ceiling. We think these creatures might be mealworms!

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

1 thought on “Creature on Bathroom Ceiling is Larvae

  1. Hi. I been having a problem with a pearasite in my home you cannot see them. And. Irony know how there getting into all the food even jars. I only know in seconds there’s something in your food and it looks like tiny worms. Dos any one. Know what it could be PLEASE

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