Colorless, Long Worm Could be Lint

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“What is this?” is all Shawna asks in her submission regarding the thin, translucent object pictured below. Suffice to say the photo is quite blurry: all we can tell about the object Shawna is asking about is that it seems to be clear, long, and hair-thin. The only worm that comes to mind is the horsehair worms, though they are not colorless like this one: they tend to be black or white in color. Without any context, it will also be impossible for us to identify the worm based on information that could have given away its identity, such as the location in which it was found, or if it was found on or near a pet’s food or bedding.

With that in mind, we will have to say that the identity of this worm is inconclusive. All we can do is provide educated guesses, as well as point Shawna in the direction of some resources she can use to get second opinions on the worm’s identity. In our opinion, this could very well not be a worm. If it was found unmoving, then we would suggest it could simply be a piece of hair or lint. If it definitely was moving, then we would say it is likely some type of worm, and not an insect larva, given its length. If Shawna wants a second opinion, we recommend bringing the worm to her local county extension office. Since they will be able to physically examine the worm, they might have a better chance at identifying it.

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Likewise, if Shawna is worried for her health as a consequence of finding this worm, then we recommend she consult a medical parasitologist: a physician who specialises in diagnosing and treating ailments caused by organisms. To find a medical parasitologist or other health care provider who can actually help, Shawna can do one or more of the following:

– Visit our parasite care resources page here:

– Search for a medical parasitologist in their area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:

– Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.

If it is a pet she is worried about, then we suggest she take that pet to the vet.

Similarly, if Shawna decides she would rather have us identify it, she is welcome to send us a follow-up with more context surrounding the situation. Information she can provide that would greatly help include answers to questions like: Where did you find it? Does it move? How does it move? Have you found any other creatures in your home recently? Do you have any pets? Now, if it turns out that Shawna is concerned for her health or the health of her pet, then we do not recommend sending a follow-up for the purposes of getting an identification: as we are not medical professionals, we are not qualified or legally able to identify organisms that may be affecting a human or pet’s health.

In conclusion, we do not know what it is that Shawna found. In our opinion, given its lack of distinct physical characteristics (that we can make out from the photo), as well as its colorlessness, it could very well not be a worm at all, but a piece of lint. That said, since we do not know any context, it could very well be a worm. We recommend Shawna consult someone for a second opinion, or that she send us more context. We hope this helps, and we wish her the very best!

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Colorless, Long Worm Could be Lint
Article Name
Colorless, Long Worm Could be Lint
"What is this?" is all Shawna asks in her submission regarding the thin, translucent object pictured below. Suffice to say the photo is quite blurry: all we can tell about the object Shawna is asking about is that it seems to be clear, long, and hair-thin. The only worm that comes to mind is the horsehair worms, though they are not colorless like this one: they tend to be black or white in color. Without any context, it will also be impossible for us to identify the worm based on information that could have given away its identity, such as the location in which it was found, or if it was found on or near a pet's food or bedding.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

9 thoughts on “Colorless, Long Worm Could be Lint

  1. Hi I’m in uk and I have been told I am crazy and got put on medication 7 years ago for this which I didnt continue, if been going out of my mind as for the past 6 months I have noticed them building up all around my home and everytime I look in the mirror I can see a couple of hairs standing straight up with a sway or feel it moving across my face as if to find something and it latches on . I have the lint looking fibre on my arms and fingers when I look at them at a angle and can instantly tell they are not my peach fuzz/arm hairs and they just pull off like a entwined fibre constantly moving around. I’m sat here now in tears as I have done for so many nights as I really cant stand this feeling of being infested with them , my face is the worst around my eyebrows and eyes and my upper lip between my nose. I pull them out of my mouth and nose and I’m seriously at my wits end my partner has no clue what I’m talking about but he says he feels itchy lately cause it’s a dusty house, my dog is constantly gnawing at herself but my kids seem to be fine at the moment . If I go back to the doctors I dont want them to tell me I’m crazy cause I’m not . Iv videos and pictures of them and what they do and it’s clear as day they are moving while everything is still. Im giving up and making a mess of my body trying to get rid of the multiplying things

  2. Everyone…

    I am contaminated as well. My cat also has it. My home, car, clothing, walls, floors, washing machine and dryer, garage – Absolutely Everything is contaminated and covered is a mustardy yellow honeydew-like substance and a dustiness I cannot describe – even my skin.

    This is Morgellon’s and unfortunately doctors spent more time making us out to be crazy than they did investigating this HORRENDOUS colony of mutalists.

    I’ve been studying this for years now and am making some headway. Please feel free to contact me about this.


  3. I don’t know what kills them I just know that I can cook food and they can still be in there they could be in the icebox in there in the food I don’t know if they come from water cuz our sewer water here is really bad I just don’t know in my colon I’ve got possible colon cancer I’ve got you name it I have it I need some help my little dog needs help please

  4. My little worms are so infested through my food there on my clothes from the floor they’re outside on the balcony I mean everywhere I have them in my nose I cough up and speed them that looks like them it’s in my stool I don’t have nobody believes me either and I have pictures I need some help in my dog has it too this started back in November and I’m if I didn’t get treated I don’t know how to get rid of them because they’re everywhere they’re on the walls I don’t know

  5. I have encountered the long colorless worm as you called it. They actually move and change to a metal mixed with white. They get like a little shaped knob looking head on them as well. They change form as you hold them in the tweezers. It’s like they get made when they can’t move. I never said anything to anyone that I found some in my house as I thought they would think I was crazy. I did take a video of it changing form. I seriously could not believe my eyes! What I was seeing was absolutely insane. When these things are around I also noticed little pieces of what looks like cotton flying around in the area. It started driving me crazy actually because you can’t really see them. They look like tiny pieces of hair then turn into this hard piece of material with slightly metal going through the entire thing then you will see a ball shape or even square shape head forming at the top of one end. It does actually exist trust me.

  6. I have this very same issue and i get loads of them some stuck to a white or tan bacteria-type infection that spits or throws out these things/hairs/tentacles from its body my issues are now critical because of this and am willing to bet she finds them on herself all the time they have made me very poorly

    1. Yes very true they do spit out things or eject them from there body. They sting as well like a bee stinging you it hurts very bad. Then you will see another one appear it’s like they reproduce that way. It’s very odd, very annoying. It irritates my skin. They are horrible little creatures I have never seen anything like it. I could use some answers as well. They can be very small to wear you cannot see them by typically looking at them. I have taken pictures of the floor in my bathroom to actually visibly see them. They can be in a shirt sleeve with you not knowing and put it on and they sting you. If you see it on a shirt you may even mistake it as a piece of your hair. I’m so confused with this little creature.

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