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Posted in Caterpillars Drain Fly Larvae Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Mass Infestation of Various Moth Species Plague Woman’s Home

A woman recently contacted us about a moth infestation she has been experiencing over the past couple of months, and she asks for our help in identifying and dealing with the problem. She has herself identified the moths as pantry moths (Indianmeal moths) “because they have a stripe across their body”, but is now wondering whether or not they could be drain moths.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Marine Worms Tapeworm

Worms You Can Find in Your Food

Although worms make up the cuisine of several cultures across the globe, we Westerners typically do not regard worms as a tasty source of sustenance, especially if they were not supposed to be a part of our meal in the first place. Being surprised by a worm in your food can be an extremely unpleasant experience, and this article is going to provide some examples of the types of worms one can potentially find in their food.

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Posted in Caterpillars Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House

Orange Worms Found in Kitchen are Indianmeal Moth Larvae

Orange worms have been popping up all around this woman’s kitchen, and she wonders how she can get rid of them, and where they originate from. Besides being orange, the worm in the photograph appears to perhaps be somewhat transparent, is minuscule in size, and has a brown head.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Small, Pink Worm Found in Bread is a Pantry Moth Larva

A small, pink worm was found in this reader’s bread one morning. She wonders if we can tell her what the worm is and if its presence is any indication that she might have a pest problem, or if it is more likely that this is a one-time occurrence.

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Posted in Caterpillars Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House

How to Identify the Species of a Generic, White Larva

Small, white worm-like creatures were found by this reader in his Washington home. The worms were found next to his dog, who was lying on a chair, and the worms moved by “contracting and stretching its body.”

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Indianmeal Moth Larvae Infest This Man’s Kitchen in Portugal

These tiny white larvae were found in this man’s kitchen in Portugal. After having moved into his new home in August, this reader has been spotting these larvae for several days in a row, and hopes that we can tell him what kind of larvae these are, and how they breed.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Pink Worm Found on Shirt is a Moth Larva

A man recently wrote to us after his wife found a pink worm on her polyester shirt. His guess is that the creature is a rice worm and wonders if it is harmful to his clothes or food.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worms Found Near Dry Food Are Pantry Moth Larvae

We believe the creatures our reader found in her home are pantry moth larvae. These food pests can be quite a nuisance so we encourage our reader to start following the steps to eliminate them as soon as possible!

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House

What Is Worm on New Foam Mattress?

A reader found a worm on her brand new mattress. We think the creature is probably a pantry moth larva that was living in the box before it arrived at our reader’s home. As long as it is just a single organism, we don’t think she needs to worry so much about finding it. If she does find more of these larvae, she might want to reach out to the mattress company for a new mattress!

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae Worms Found in the House

Worm Under Dog Bed Is Probably Moth Larva

Our reader found a worm-like organism under his dog’s bed that we think is either a pantry moth larva or a palm flower moth larva. Between these two options, we believe it is more likely that he is dealing with a pantry moth larva.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worm in Bedsheets Could be Pantry Moth Larva

One of our readers discovered a small yellow larvae in her bed. We think this could be a pantry moth larva, especially since she noticed moths in her pantry. Getting rid of these larvae requires some thorough cleaning, but their presence shouldn’t be a source of worry.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Potential Indian Meal Moth Larvae Infestation

A reader reached out to us because she discovered some Indian Meal Moth Larvae in a new bag of dog food. She wanted to know the likelihood of an infestation. Since she threw out the bag after discovering the larvae, we don’t think it is very likely that she will experience an infestation.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worms in Guinea Pig Food Are Indian Meal Moth Larvae

One of our readers came across a few small larvae in some guinea pig food. These creatures are Indian meal moth larvae, which are common household pests!

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Worms in Kitchen Likely Indian Meal Moth Larvae

One of our reader discovered small worms all over her kitchen. We believe these are Indian Meal Moth larvae that are getting ready to pupate and mature into moths.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worms in Bread are Pantry Moth Larvae

Our reader won’t get sick from eating a pantry moth larvae. If he is experiencing any odd symptoms, we encourage him to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worm Found in Dog Food Might Be Indian Meal Moth Larvae

One of our readers found a small larvae in the dog food bag she opened. We believe she has discovered an Indian Meal Moth Larva.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Small Pink Worms in Kitchen Probably Indian Meal Moth Larvae

A reader found light pink “worms” in the kitchen cabinet where he stores food. We believe these are Indian Meal Moth larvae, which are common kitchen pests that eat stored foods.

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Critters on Ceiling Are Likely Pantry Moth Larvae

One of our readers discovered tan larvae in her kitchen and on the ceiling. We believe they are pantry moth larvae!

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Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Pinkish “Worm” With Brown Head and Legs

we believe our reader might be dealing with some Indian meal moth larvae in her home. Although she found both larvae near her children, we don’t think the creatures came from them.

Posted in Indian Meal Moth Larvae

Worm Found After Vacation is Indian Meal Moth Larva

One of our readers found a “worm” in her home after returning from vacation. So, what is this creature and how can she get rid of it?