Brown Worm in Conservatory

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We received a photo from a reader of a worm-like creature that he found in his conservatory. He said that there are several of them, and he wonders what they are. The photo is very zoomed out, and all we can conclude after looking at it is that the specimen is small, dark brown, and thin.

Unfortunately without more details we aren’t able to determine what this could be. A close up photo would be very informative, or any other information about how the creature moved or acted would be helpful. There are a lot of potential worms or worm-like organisms that might find a home in a conservatory.

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We invite our reader to send us additional information about the creatures they are finding so that we can help them solve this mystery!

To end, our reader asked us to identify a worm-like creature he found in his conservatory. However, without a better picture or more details, we aren’t able to make an identification.

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Brown Worm in Conservatory
Article Name
Brown Worm in Conservatory
We received a photo from a reader of a worm-like creature that he found in his conservatory. He said that there are several of them, and he wonders what they are. The photo is very zoomed out, and all we can conclude after looking at it is that the specimen is small, dark brown, and thin.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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