Earlier we received a video submission from a reader accompanied by a short description of the creature they found. He said it seems like a worm but moves like a fish, is quite fast, half an inch long, and cute. Well, we aren’t sure what our reader means by cute, but this little guy is sure fun to watch run around. They discovered the “worm” on their bathroom floor.
From the video, we can see that the creature is a dark brown color with a round-ish body, with several hairs or legs coming from its sides. It also has two very long antennas coming from its head, and one long one coming from its tail end.
Based on the description and video, we believe that our reader has found a silverfish bug! Silverfish are often brown or gray in appearance and can be identified by their bristles or antenna and fish-like movement. Their ideal environment is dark and damp, so people usually find them in basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. They especially like damp clothing (like a damp towel in the bathroom). If our reader found silverfish in the bathroom, a potential food source could be shampoo or soap.
Since silverfish are nocturnal and so fast, often people don’t realize that there are some living in their homes.
There are some natural ways to get rid of silverfish that include citrus sprays, spices, lavender oil, mothballs, cucumbers, and cedar shavings. In order to get rid of these guys, the reader needs to identify the places of infestations and work from there. Getting rid of silverfish bugs can prove tedious, and many people call a professional to handle this issue.
Overall, we believe our reader found silverfish in her bathroom. To get rid of these creatures, we recommend either using some of the natural solutions available, or getting in touch with a professional.
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