A reader recently asked us about some worms she noticed coming up from under her bathtub. She said they were about the size and shape of a pumpkin seed, and we can see from the photo that they are very dark brown or black in color. She said she didn’t think they were a huge problem and was simply spraying them with bug spray. However, she said they have begun “sliming” their way outside of the bathroom. She hopes we can identify them and help her handle their presence.
We have a couple ideas of what these might be.
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Our first guess is that she has found some silverfish. These creatures are tear shaped, similar to what our reader found, but also have a long tail and antennas, that we don’t see in the photograph. The picture is quite zoomed out so it’s difficult to say if these identifiers are just not being seen, or if they are not present. Silverfish thrive in dark and damp places, so they might have found a home under the tub. They are known to be quite destructive, and often people must call a professional to rid their houses of these creatures. If our reader believes this is what she has encountered, she should do some thorough cleaning to eliminate any potential food sources. If they are still present, she might contact a professional, or a plumber to check out what’s going on under her bathtub.
Another guess is that she has found leeches. These look very similar in appearance to the photograph she sent in. However, again it is hard to see details on the creature that would confirm it is a leech, like their suction cup appendages. It is unclear why leeches would be emerging from under her tub, but perhaps they laid eggs there and the eggs are hatching. Our reader’s “slimy” description also matches with leeches. However, leeches don’t usually live in houses, they prefer wet areas.
Our final guess is based 100% on photo comparison, and we don’t want to freak our reader out. A long time ago, a reader reached out about a very similar bug she was finding in her house. The bug turned out to be a parasite, but it cleared up over time after she saw a doctor. Since our reader didn’t mention any symptoms, we are really hesitant to even suggest that this is an option. However, if our reader is experiencing symptoms and hasn’t connected them with the creatures she is finding, she should definitely consider seeing a doctor or seeking further medical attention.
In conclusion, we received a photo from a reader of a mystery worm-like organism. We were unable to make any firm identification, but we expanded on some potential ideas.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.