Black Soldier Fly Larva

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A reader reached out to us to confirm the identification of a creature he found. The pest was found with the dead rabbit his dog brought in. He sent some photos (don’t worry, the dead rabbit is not pictured) and asked if we could confirm that it was a black soldier fly larva.  Based on the photo, we believe that this is indeed a black soldier fly larva! The reader wasn’t totally sure because it was about 1.5 inches long, which is larger than some of the black soldier fly larvae we have discussed in previous articles. Although 1.5 inches is longer than most black soldier fly larva, it is possible that this particular larva is just larger than average.

In addition, the fact that the larva was found with the dead rabbit supports it being black soldier fly larva. Black soldier fly larva feed on decaying organic matter, so an animal carcass is a prime environment for this creature.

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To sum up, a reader found what he believed to be a black soldier fly larva on a dead rabbit his dog brought in. After examining the photo, we were able to confirm that the creature was indeed a black soldier fly larva.

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Black Soldier Fly Larva
Article Name
Black Soldier Fly Larva
A reader reached out to us to confirm the identification of a creature he found. The pest was found with the dead rabbit his dog brought in. He sent some photos (don’t worry, the dead rabbit is not pictured) and asked if we could confirm that it was a black soldier fly larva. Based on the photo, we believe that this is indeed a black soldier fly larva! The reader wasn’t totally sure because it was about 1.5 inches long, which is larger than some of the black soldier fly larvae we have discussed in previous articles. Although 1.5 inches is longer than most black soldier fly larva, it is possible that this particular larva is just larger than average.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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