Black Dots on Lamp Could be Moths or Something Else Entirely

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“Help!” exclaims this reader at the beginning of her query to us. “What the heck is on the couch crystal lamp shade?” she asks, likely referring to the black dots one can see in the screenshot below.

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Our reader also mentions seeing “strange stuff on the curtains” and she wants to “know what that is for sure”. Now, as our reader only sent in this video, which is of a poor resolution, and only shows the lamp shades, as well as the base of the lamp, from afar, we cannot make out any of the details of the organism our reader found. Essentially, all we can see are the black dots on the lamp shade; they could be flies, insects, or dirt for all we know. In addition to this, our reader does not send any photos or video of the curtains on which she has found something else, so it is impossible for us to identify these organisms. It is likely that she simply forgot to attach more pictures and videos, and if that is the case, then we urge her to send in more materials so we can have a better chance at identifying the organisms.

For these reasons, we will not be attempting to identify the organisms on our reader’s lampshade, as any identification we make will be based on pure guesswork. What we will say is that the most common bug that people find on their lamps are moths, seeing as many species of moths are attracted to light and will gravitate toward any source of it. If our reader would like to take a look at some of the articles about moths and moth caterpillars we have posted over the years, she is welcome to do so. She can then cross reference any of the organisms she has found with the ones we have previously identified, and perhaps she will find something that is similar to the organisms on her lamp. Likewise, even if our reader did not forget to attach more pictures and videos, we would still gladly take a look at more photos of the organisms. She should be sure to get pictures taken in good lighting, which are close to and focused on the organism, so we can make out all of the finer details. This will make it far easier to identify the organisms and provide our reader with the help she desires. If she also wants the organisms on her curtain identified, then she should do the same in this instance.

To conclude, we do not know what our reader found on her lamp shade. They really could be anything as far as we are concerned. If our reader wants us to be able to identify the organisms, then we recommend that she sends better pictures, and perhaps even more context (as that always helps). Otherwise, we wish our reader the best of luck.

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Black Dots on Lamp Could be Moths or Something Else Entirely
Article Name
Black Dots on Lamp Could be Moths or Something Else Entirely
"Help!" exclaims this reader at the beginning of her query to us. "What the heck is on the couch crystal lamp shade?" she asks, likely referring to the black dots one can see in the screenshot below.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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