A Variety of Unidentified Substances Has This Reader at Her Wits End

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“I’m writing you because I’m at my wits end and my family thinks I’m crazy,” states this reader in her submission to us concerning the array of photographs of various organisms/matter below. “What are these?” she asks.

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Our reader reports that the organisms she has photographed are “always bothersome” and are “more so at night”. Now, it is difficult to tell in some of the photos what exactly we are looking at. The first photo above seems to display a wad of a mucus-looking substance. The second photo below shows a gray-black square with a trail of similarly-colored matter which resembles some type of cloth. It also looks as if this photo was taken underwater. The third photo exhibits a collection of black matter on top of a rectangle of brown earth-like matter: the black stuff looks like it could be burnt. The final photo is very blurry, but seems to show something glossy or reflective: it may be the same mucus-like substance in the first photo, or at least something similar to it.

Unfortunately, without more context, it is impossible for us to give any concrete identifications of what our reader is trying to show us. None of these organisms (if they are organisms) remotely resemble worms or any worm-like creatures, and our reader has not indicated that there are any worm-like organisms roaming her home, so we cannot know if these might be substances left behind by some critter (though that would be our guess, at least when it comes to the mucus-like substance). What our reader might want to do is search her home for any roaming creatures. They could be hiding someplace dark and cramped, as that is a likely hiding spot for pests. She can check underneath furniture, inside cupboards and drawers, in shoes and clothing, and anywhere else that she does not regularly check or clean.

Now, our reader does state that her family thinks she is “crazy”, and this is a sentiment we have heard reflected by many of our other readers, specifically when it comes to them suspecting parasites. Our reader does not mention parasites or issues/concerns regarding her health, so we are not suggesting that these are parasites or that they are dangerous or harmful. What we are saying is that, if our reader is concerned about these things, but she did not mention them in her submission to us, then we will go ahead and include some links here that our reader can use if she wants to consult with a parasitologist (physicians which specialize in diagnosing and treating parasite infections). So, to find a parasitologist, our reader can do one or more of the following: 1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory. 2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”. 3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com. In conclusion, we are not sure what it is that our reader is trying to show us: it is unclear if they are all one organism, different organisms, or substances that have been left behind by some organism(s). We also do not know in what way they are “bothersome”, but if our reader had let us know just a little bit more, we might have been able to better help. That said, we hope that the information we were able to provide in this article is helpful to our reader, and we wish her the very best.

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A Variety of Unidentified Substances Has This Reader at Her Wits End
Article Name
A Variety of Unidentified Substances Has This Reader at Her Wits End
"I'm writing you because I'm at my wits end and my family thinks I'm crazy," states this reader in her submission to us concerning the array of photographs of various organisms/matter below. "What are these?" she asks.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

11 thoughts on “A Variety of Unidentified Substances Has This Reader at Her Wits End

  1. Wow! I’m not alone!!! I sware that your photo was in my camera roll! I sit here wide awake after another sleepless night due to the activity of my “infection”. I have to call it that in order for me to deal with it, also people don’t freak out when I say that either. Yep. I’m crazy just like everyone else here. 4 different Er’s. I beat down the door of a dermatologist, she was nice enough to see me without a referral. (Probably because I insisted her receptionist look at a video I had and she too pitty.) Said ” use the cream (the equivalent to monostat) and if it gets way worse go back to er. Lost 3 jobs due to this as well. Oh and by the way I’m a nurse so you would think that my college’s and medical Drs I have worked with for over 13 years would take me seriously. But nope. Only 1 and he was urgent care provider that I worked with for over 2 years just now this month looked at me like I was a person. Ugh. How do we start a support group so we can all connect?! I really could use the support. I hope everyone is hanging in there the best as they can. I’ll be checking here often in hopes that I see a response. Take care y’all.

  2. She is not alone I have the same problem and have suffered from these things for years . They are in my blood stream also and Noone will tell me what they are but I’m losing use of my hands,and feet and legs due to these monsters,I’m not crazy they are slowly killing me and no one will help me ,now they are saying I have lung cancer that that’s the reason I cough up these things,but that doesn’t explain why they are in my blood or why I’m pooping them also

    1. Everyone in this specific thread…… is there anyway we can exchange emails or something? I’m in tears reading this. I’m in the same situation…… symptoms, pictures, Dr’s ridiculing me. My teeth are falling out, I am pulling them out of my gums cheeks, urine, stool, hair falling out, large weight loss very quickly……. please reach out! We can compare notes, be companions……

      1. I’m dealing with the same thing. Two years now and no one believes me. I have the same pics and I’ve caught things on video you wouldn’t believe. There has to be an explanation for this. N anyone wants to email me it’s me***************@ic****.com

    2. I’m dealing with the same thing. Two years now and no one believes me. I have the same pics and I’ve caught things on video you wouldn’t believe. There has to be an explanation for this.

  3. Omg! My husband and I can not thank you enough for these comments. You have described how both of us are feeling. Awful! I am losing hair,can’t breathe easily,so much pressure on my insides,it nauseates me severely,elevates my heart’s beat and caused panic and anxiety. I am diagnosed with Pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure (diagnosed before this whole parasite fiasco!) I now wonder if parasite caused these issues. I know that I am horrified. My 14 year old daughter needs us to be healthy.
    You have given me a glimmer of hope knowing that we are not losing our minds and you understand the stigma surrounding the issues.

  4. I am so glad that I have found this article helpful for me because I felt like I was trying to prepare for my death as well as being told for a year and a half that I am psychosis due to the use of methamphetamine drugs and I have been trying to show the actual deep sores and bad scars from the worm like figures in the middle of them and no help from Lafayette Indiana ERs, multiple different doctors and urgent care facilities which were turning me away with diagnosis of psychosis and itchie pills and antibiotics twice. Multiple Multiple types of creams I have then started on my own and home remedies for parasites and other kind of worms. I have fears of jumping dust bunnies, opening up bags and purses and I have tried many surface cleaners for it to feel like these creatures were multiplying and never going away. I have truly tried telling myself that I have to just sit back and prepare for death and I have also been diagnosed with cysts on my uterus which is a symptom, and I have been trying to read up on parasites and trying to be optimistic about everything and my children are very convinced that I am as the professionals are diagnosing me as. I actually feel very scared about it all. The doctors and hospitals are very rude and disrespectful of my feelings and my value of trying to live as I am very weak now especially around scar tissue and joints like some kinda arthritis has set in. My hair is falling out and I sometimes get winded like my organs are having a lot of pressure on them till I take about 5 hours in the tub trying to pull the things off my muscles and tissue. I have to start all over again every day spraying cleaners that only work for short periods. My oldest son told me that he loves me but he can’t talk to me anymore because of psychosis and drugs that he was trying to stay away from. I have truly cried begging people to just please believe in me just this one time. I finally took a bunch of pills that overdosed me to an intentional suicide. I was then transferred to the nut ward that they had the judges sign off on to a 72 hour hold of psychosis thoughts due to drugs. I am not wanting to sit there and die slowly knowing that something could of treated me if only they had given me a chance for just one time and looked into my symptoms I’m truly scared.

  5. About the pics where she says she is at her wits end… I’ve been there!!! Since October 2020, when the “monsters arrived ” :( 11 times to drs , 3 stool tests, negative…my cats super sick, same things in them as me.
    I started to give up, I lost 63 pounds, since they became worse end of January. I have been hospitalized for major left leg swelling 2 times.. after all the images, scans, tests, 7 different drs , cant tell me why .
    All others like that have been diagnosed with cellulitis, or a DVT. Now I went to a vascular specialist because its my veins swelling, and leaking… I am bed ridden, with a walker to go to bathroom. My fiance left me, my dog had to stay with a dear friend. I went back to the ER, and they had a police officer put me in cuffs, secured the door of my room, took blood to check for hallucinating drugs, Negative, as my father told them.it would be! He is taking care of me, because my extremities go numb randomly and I can’t drive now. It really is a nightmare, and we need and advocacy for parasites , and for primary drs to immediately refer anyone suspecting they have them and show any symptoms to Infectious disease. It is not accepted to allow ONE person to struggle with this Infectious parasite alone. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY !!! GOOGLE”FLUKE ” itbis what my vet and I found in my cats after 8btimes to see her, and 4 different stool samples. Now I am awaiting a referral to Infectious Disease, asap, because my eosynophills are sky rocketed, and my liver enzymes all bad, I could already have liver cancer, ive been undiagnosed for 6 months. Something has to change ,,! The reason it looks so different, they take on debris, lint, leaves, etc. As a way to get to the host. Flukes can have as many as 3 intermediate hosts before entering a human, cat, dog whatever their host will be.
    I am soo understanding for what you are going through. Please research fluke, liver fluke probably…inhopebthis helps you !! Oh, and they are way more active at night!!
    Best, Stacy

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