Worms near Coffeemaker

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One of our readers sent us an email explaining that she and her daughter have found tiny worms wiggling around in water that was left near the coffeemaker. They are trying to figure out what they are and how to get rid of them. The reader did not have a picture to show us, but we have done a lot of research on this topic and we do have a solid idea of what these worms could be. In fact, they are probably larvae and not worms at all.

Stagnant water can be a hazard to have in your home, especially in your kitchen. When stagnant water accumulates, it can cause bacteria to be in your home and can even be a new home for larvae. This is what we think is the case with our reader. Larvae can be a number of different insects from flies, mosquitoes, or moths. Larvae are not harmful, but if they begin to turn into their adult form, they can become pests.

There are many types of larvae that some of our readers have had contact with in their homes. Some small worm-like creatures that are often found in toilets are moth fly larvae. They are also found in the drains of sinks and showers. They have a tendency to breed and eat in stagnant water, so this could be just one of the types of larvae that our reader has had contact with. This could also be mosquito larvae which could be very pesky. Once the mosquitoes are fully developed, they could really be a nuisance and our reader could suffer from those itchy bites.

The important thing to note is that it does not really matter what kind of larvae they are. The reader wants to make sure that they are no longer living around the coffeemaker. Larvae are living in this stagnant water because they feed on dead organic matter that is left in the water. The best way to get rid of these larvae is to keep all stagnant water out of the home. Once the reader cleans this area, the larvae will have nothing left to feed on and they will seek another food source.

In summary, our reader has found a type of larvae around the water near her coffeemaker. We believe that she has actually found larvae, which are easily dealt with by keeping the area dry.


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Worms near Coffeemaker
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Worms near Coffeemaker
One of our readers sent us an email explaining that she and her daughter have found tiny worms wiggling around in water that was left near the coffeemaker. They are trying to figure out what they are and how to get rid of them. The reader did not have a picture to show us, but we have done a lot of research on this topic and we do have a solid idea of what these worms could be. In fact, they are probably larvae and not worms at all.

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1 thought on “Worms near Coffeemaker

  1. Can you please tell me what this worm is? I have began to find a few here and there in my bathroom. It is March in Canada. Is there somewhere I can send a picture to?

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