Posted in Parasite Worms Tapeworm Worms in Humans

Where Can We Find Tapeworms Around the World?

It is possible to come in contact with tapeworms in Europe and North America, but keep in mind that tapeworms are extremely rare in these regions. If you live in North America or Europe and you suspect that you may have a tapeworm infection, it is highly likely that your symptoms are the result of another condition.

Posted in Earthworms Eating Worms Pinworm Tapeworm Worms in Humans

Are Worm Cocoons Dangerous to Eat?

Some worms are actually beneficial to the body, although they are not necessary for survival. Worms are packed with protein, they are a source of nourishment and food for many animals, and they may provide a fair amount of entertainment as documented in the popular book How to Eat Fried Worms.

Posted in Cat Worms Heart Worms Hook Worms Parasite Worms Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Signs of Cat Worms

Even a small number of heartworms can be serious. Signs of heartworm include respiratory stress (difficulty breathing or rapid shallow breathing), gagging or vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Posted in Dog Worms Heart Worms Hook Worms Parasite Worms Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Worm Detection

If the infection is allowed to progress, worms can lead to weight loss, anemia, vomiting, and in some cases, even death. Fortunately early worm detection can be as easy as a quick trip to the vet or a two-minute exam that you can perform on your own at home.

Posted in Heart Worms Hook Worms Parasite Worms Round Worms Tapeworm Whipworm

How to Identify Parasite Worms

You can identify them by becoming familiar with the way common parasite worms look or you may browse through images online.

Posted in Cat Worms Hook Worms Round Worms Tapeworm

What are Kitten Worms?

No matter how your kitten becomes infected with worms, he must be treated immediately to avoid any serious problems.

Posted in Dog Worms Heart Worms Hook Worms Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Organic Dog Worm Cures

Garlic, wheat bran and pumpkin seeds are considered common organic dog worm cures by some, unfortunately, most organic “cures” do not work.

Posted in Cat Worms Heart Worms Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm Whipworm

Natural Cat Worm Cures?

Cat worms cannot be completely eliminated with home remedies or 100 percent natural products such as herbs, garlic, and pumpkin, although these natural products can help. In many cases, however, these products just are not powerful enough to kill resistant worm infections such as heartworm, hookworm, and tapeworm. If your cat is experiencing any of the symptoms below, he might have a worm infection. He should be taken to the vet immediately for testing.

Posted in Cat Worms Dog Worms Earthworms Flatworm Tapeworm

Flatworm Types

Land-dwelling flatworms can be spotted in the early morning hours, especially after a hard rain. They are nocturnal, however, and they love wet surfaces.

Posted in Parasite Worms Tapeworm

Types of Ferret Worms

Ferrets are the most curious animals on the planet and they will likely find their way into trash that may contain fecal matter, fleas, and dead animals, all of which may contain parasites and parasite eggs.

Posted in Parasite Worms Pinworm Tapeworm

Types of Worms that Infect Horses

The bloodworm matures in the horses’ intestinal tract and then it makes its way into the intestines to lay eggs. Bloodworms can cause inflammation, aneurysms, and colic.

Posted in Flatworm Parasite Worms Pinworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Home Remedies for Worms

Most herbal or home remedies should be taken orally for a minimum of two weeks. Some individuals may complain of re-infection. To help avoid this, it is very important to change your eating habits immediately.

Posted in Tapeworm

The Life of Tapeworms

At the end of the tapeworm lies a sac of eggs. Several segments become detached at a time and pass out with the host’s feces. The tapeworm, much like the fluke, may have more than one intermediate host.

Posted in Parasite Worms Tapeworm

The Broad Tapeworm

If a human consumes an infected, uncooked piece of fish, larvae are released into the body. Using small hooks, the worms attach themselves to the wall of the gut and develop into adult worms in three weeks.

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Intestinal Worms If Left Untreated

Some of the most dangerous symptoms such as anemia, protein deficiency, and vomiting can cause major health problems such as muscle loss, weight loss, osteoporosis, malnutrition, mental illness, and even heart disease.

Posted in Hook Worms Pinworm Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm Whipworm

How to Test for Worms

When testing for worms, your doctor may ask a series of questions to determine if you are experiencing symptoms related to a parasite infection. These may include diarrhea, fever, coughing, vomiting, mucous in stools, abdominal cramps and gas, loose, foul-smelling stools, loss of appetite, and listlessness.

Posted in Flatworm Hook Worms Parasite Worms Pinworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Worms Survival in the Human Body if Left Untreated

If left untreated, worms in the human body can cause everything from anemia to rashes to weakness. And according to CNN Health, an adult tapeworm can live up to 20 years and grow up to 50 feet long.

Posted in Hook Worms Pinworm Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Worms in the Human Body

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 2 billion people around the world are infected with parasitic worms. The condition causes severe illness in roughly 300 million people each year.

Posted in Flatworm Hook Worms Parasite Worms Pinworm Ringworm Round Worms Tapeworm

Parasitic Worms

Parasitic worms belong to one of four groups including Cestoda, Nematoda, Protozoa, or Trematoda. Some parasitic worms are microscopic while others can be identified fairly easily with one quick look.

Posted in Hook Worms Parasite Worms Tapeworm

Treating Kitten Worms

Treating kitten worms must be done under a vets care. Kittens and cats with hookworms may have to stay a day or two at a veterinary clinic for the initial treatment process. All areas used by the kitten will need to be cleaned and sanitized thoroughly and follow-up vet visits will most likely be required.